In the Australian town of Upson Downs, ten-year-old Annie and Runt, her stray dog, attempt to win the Agility Course Championship at the Krumpets Dog Show in London in order to save their family\'s farm from drought and misery.
Released: 2024
Casts: Joel Jackson, Jack Thompson, Matt Day, Deborah Mailman, Samuel Ireland, Jai Courtney, Celeste Barber, Sarah Roberts, Lily LaTorre, Geneviève Lemon, Jack LaTorre, Tom Budge, Riley Stiles, Cooper LaTorre, Kathryn Schuback, Dalip Sondhi, Catherine Moore, Sam Desmond, Therese Mavros, Ashlee McKenna, Wilson Gilburt, Kye Cassam, Michael McCall, Kingsley Judd, Gregory Bemrose, Phil Bennett, Evan James Williams